International force in East Timor reports clashes with militia.

19 January -- The International Force in East Timor (INTERFET) reported clashes yesterday and today with armed militias who crossed from West Timor into the East Timorese enclave of Oecussi,a UN spokesman said today.

Near the village of Mahata, five armed militia members waved their rifles yesterday in a threatening manner and retreated to West Timor when INTERFET soldiers fired six quick shots, the spokesman said.

Today, when another five armed militiamen confronted villagers in Bobometo, shots were fired and at least one villager was injured, according to INTERFET officials, who reported a total of five militia incursions into Oecussi over the last 72 hours.

In a related development, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has temporarily halted repatriation to and from the area until the situation calms down.

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