The Central Recruitment Office yesterday completed the selection of an East Timorese Deputy Head of the Civil Service and Public Employment office. Four applicants have been interviewed. It is expected that the appointment will be made soon.
In addition, the pre-selection process for the position of Dili District Administrator was completed on 27 November at the Civil Service Academy in Dili. Four people out of nine passed the preliminary round and a second round is expected to take place before Christmas.
The process of selecting District Administrators in nine other districts is on-going.
The first three East Timorese District Administrators and six Deputy District Administrators were appointed on 22 September.
Around 6,000 East Timorese have been hired as permanent civil servants to date, which corresponds to 60 per cent of the total amount of civil servants allocated in the budget. The recruitment priority is now focusing on the three highest levels of the salary scale, a total of 900 positions. To date, 23 per cent of these top level posts have been filled.