Dili, 13 June 2001

A security operation conducted by United Nations Peacekeeping troops has resulted in the surrender, yesterday, of 34 suspected militia members in and around the village of Lontama, 7 km south of Maliana town, Bobonaro district. Late on Monday, 11 June, a former militia leader from the Bobonaro district voluntarily surrendered to the United Nations Civilian Police in Maliana and subsequently informed the Peacekeeping Force of more returnees and former militia who had returned from West Timor, Indonesia, to East Timor over the previous 48 hours.

An Australian Battalion company, assisted by Civilian Police and the United Nations Military Observer Group, moved to the area of Atusi Saburai, Lontama and Molomic on the slopes of Lolo Mabitwa and established a security cordon. The returnees and ex-militia were asked to come forward and submit to security and registration processes. In a highly peaceful operation a further 34 suspected ex-militia members surrendered to the Peacekeeping Force. Of the 34 people interviewed, six volunteered to cooperate further with the Peacekeeping Force and CivPol in ongoing security and law and order investigations. The remainder were released to commence the process of reconciliation with the people of their villages.


The party Partido Democrático (PD) received today, 13 June its official political party certificate of registration from the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). IEC staff delivered the certificate of registration in person to PD's president, Fernando de Araújo. PD becomes the ninth party to be registered with the IEC for the purpose of presenting candidates to the elections for the Constituent Assembly on 30 August. The last date for filing an independent candidacy or political party registration application is 12:00 noon on Sunday 24 June. Also today, the party Associação Social-Democrata Timorense (ASDT) submitted its national candidate list and is now the third political party which has presented candidates to the elections.

In related news, the IEC met again today with the political parties and instructed their representatives on the duties and obligations, and on the conditions of operations of the political party/independent candidate agents. The Code of Conduct of these agents was widely discussed, and the representatives of the parties raised their concerns and suggestions related to security issues to be taken into account on polling day. Some political representatives suggested that in the days near Election Day no party demonstration, not even the wearing of T-shirts with the name of the parties, should be allowed. The IEC representatives will present these concerns to the Board of Commissioners for their consideration and final decision.


The East Timor Transitional Cabinet today considered the National Council’s proposed amendments to the regulation establishing a road traffic regime for East Timor. Cabinet agreed to incorporate the substance of the proposed amendments into the regulation. The regulation will now be finalised for the signature of the Transitional Administrator Sergio Vieira de Mello. The Cabinet also approved a series of amendments to Regulation 2000/20 on budget and financial management. The proposed amendments will now be forwarded to the National Council, for its consideration.


Twenty-six East Timorese constitutional Advisors and Rapporteurs today began a training course at Dili’s Civil Service Academy. The four-day workshop focuses on protecting human rights in developing societies; comparative overviews of modern constitutional systems of government; the separation of powers in developing societies; local governance and decentralization; and community involvement in the constitution making process. It is expected that at the end of the workshop the participants will be able to better explain constitutional issues to the East Timorese, as well as help them understand the nature and form of government in different societies, including the various roles of the executive, judiciary and legislature.

The training is being given by Karthi Govender, an expert from South Africa. Govender is director of the NGO African Center for Constructive Resolution Disputes and was involved in the South African constitution consultation process. The Constitutional Commission members, tasked with conveying the views of the population to the Constituent Assembly by organizing public hearings in each of the 65 sub-districts of East Timor, were deployed in their respective sub-districts on 4 June. Each Commission consists of between five and seven Commissioners, one Rapporteur and one Constitutional Advisor. The 72 East Timorese Constitutional Commissioners, 13 Advisors and 13 Rapporteurs were sworn-in on 26 May by Acting Transitional Administrator Jean-Christian Cady. The public hearings are expected to begin next Monday, 18 June, and end on 14 July.