A warrant for the arrest of Eurico Guterres, leader of the East Timorese Aitarak militia group, was submitted simultaneously to the Head of the Indonesian Diplomatic Mission in Dili and to the Indonesian Attorney’s General in Jakarta yesterday afternoon, 10 October.The arrest warrant, the first to be issued in connection with last year’s violence, was signed on 6 October by an investigating judge of the Special Panel for Serious Criminal Offenses at the District Court of Dili and relates to Guterres’ involvement in two 1999 massacres in Liquiça and Dili.
On 6 April, members of the Besi Merah Putih (Red and White War) and Aitarak (Thorn) militia groups attacked about 2,000 people sheltering on the grounds of the Liquiça Church. The people had fled to the church following militia attacks on nearby villages.
Eyewitnesses who survived the massacre estimate that at least 150 people were killed, although an official Indonesia Police enquiry puts the death toll at five.
On 16 April, Guterres led a mob of militia to the house of pro-independence leader Manuel Carrascalão. The group attacked the house and killed 12 people.
SRSG Sergio Vieira de Mello has requested the Attorney General to ensure that the competent authorities in Indonesia enforce the warrant and that Guterres be surrendered so that he can face justice in East Timor.
The request was made pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Cooperation in Legal, Judicial and Human Rights Related Matters, signed on 6 April 2000 by the SRSG and the Indonesian Attorney General, Marzuki Darusman.
In the MOU, UNTAET and Indonesia pledge to facilitate the transfer of people from one jurisdiction to another.
Eleven judges and four public defenders, who have been on strike demanding higher salaries among other things, resumed their duties today, 11 October.
A meeting between UNTAET and the staff to assess the situation will be held in a month. UNTAET has in the meantime, after considering the various requests, decided to urgently provide the Judiciary with cars, furniture, stationary and other equipment. The items will be delivered during October, November and December.
UNTAET has come to the conclusion that a salary increase is not sustainable, nor is it in the budget. The difference between staff member’s initial stipend and the approved salary will however be paid retroactively.
The strike started last Friday, 6 October.