EL GENEINA - The work of Community Policing Volunteers to improve security in Gokar village, West Darfur has been given a boost with the provision by UNAMID of key work equipment.
At a ceremony in the village, on 26 April 2017, UNAMID handed over a range of UNDP-funded equipment -- including bicycles, mobile phones, whistles, reflective jackets and identification document holders – to around 50 volunteers. While six volunteers received mobile phones and five took charge of bicycles, all 50 received the other items.
The volunteers, who are part of the community, are trained to complement the work of the Government of Sudan police in maintaining peace and reducing crime, among other roles.
Oumar Kane, Head of UNAMID’s Sector West office, applauded concerted efforts by various sections of the Gokar community to maintain a peaceful co-existence, thus providing an example for others in Darfur.
Noting the recent clearance of explosive remnants of war from all registered areas in Forobaranga, also in West Darfur, Mr. Kane said Gokar could also celebrate a conflict-free community. He said UNAMID remains committed to supporting peace and protecting civilians in Darfur.
Mohamed Obeidat, Police Commander, Sector West, welcomed the situation of peace and tolerance among various sections of the Gokar community.
“I would like to acknowledge the great role played by the Community Policing Volunteers in supporting the police through engaging in patrols and reporting crimes that have taken place in the area. The existence of the volunteers is essential in extending security among the community,” said Mr. Obeidat.
He encouraged the volunteers, along with other community members, to continue working with the police in order to maintain peace and stability in the village.
Yahyia Adam, the Sheik of Sheiks in Gokar, commended UNAMID for its role in supporting the peace process and protecting civilians.
“I would like to thank UNAMID for visiting our village to assess the situation and provide further support to equip the Community Policing Volunteers to perform their service in enhancing security in the area,” said Mr. Adam. He noted that as a multi-tribal village, ensuring access to basic services in Gokar was essential for sustaining peace.
“We, as the native administration, will do our best to support the volunteers and police in order to enhance stability in the area,” said Mr. Adam.