EL FASHER - Fighting has been taking place in the past few days between Government of Sudan forces and non-signatory movements in North and East Darfur, with reports of multiple casualties.
UNAMID’s Joint Special Representative, Jeremiah Mamabolo, said that the Mission was deeply concerned about these developments.
“Significant progress has been made on the road towards peace and security in Darfur, and it would be a serious setback to see these gains jeopardized” said Mr. Mamabolo.
“UNAMID calls on all parties involved in this latest round of fighting to show restraint and use the peace process to resolve all outstanding issues. This is the only course of action that can satisfy the interests of the people of Darfur.”
UNAMID wishes to remind all the parties of their unilateral commitment to a ceasefire which was decided in goodwill with a view to advancing the peace process.
UNAMID personnel in the vicinity of the clashes have been put on high alert. The Mission has dispatched verification patrols and is collecting information by other means from areas mentioned in incoming reports.