Visit of CPAS Team to UNMOGIP [1]
During the week of 22 January, UNMOGIP welcomed a visiting delegation from the Comprehensive Planning and Performance Assessment (CPAS) Team, based in UNHQ. Together with the CPAS team, UNMOGIP staff from both the civilian and military components jointly undertook the Mission’s fourth annual impact assessment to review data collected throughout the year and discuss progress and potential areas for improvement.
In addition to jointly formulating recommendations for the consideration of leadership, UNMOGIP staff participating in the assessment also suggested refinements to the indicators used to capture data, and the additional development of a dashboard tool, which would allow the Mission to visualize certain data trends more easily, allowing for the inclusion of various disaggregated data points in a singular visualized graphic.
UNMOGIP, with strong support and collaboration from the Asia Pacific Division (APD), continues to serve as an excellent example for CPAS implementation in UN Peacekeeping.