Photo by Mohamad Almahady, UNAMID
EL FASHER – UNAMID’s new Protection of Civilians strategy is being rolled out to key military, police and civilian personnel serving in the Mission based in Darfur and Khartoum.
The new strategy includes stronger coordination within the Mission, greater clarity around military, police and civilian personnel roles and responsibilities, and enhanced training.
As part of the roll-out, three-day training courses for Mission personnel have already taken place in Sector Central and Sector North. In the coming weeks, trainings will be held in Nyala (23-25 May), El Daein (29-31 May) and El Geneina (5-7 June), followed by Mission HQ in El Fasher and the Khartoum Liaison Office.
The roll-out exercise developed by UNAMID PoC/HL Section familiarizes participants with the new Strategy and provides a more comprehensive understanding of how military, police and civilian personnel can help to implement the Mission’s Protection of Civilians mandate, including through being equipped with additional tools and theoretical concepts. The training includes briefings and hands-on scenarios.
Lameck Kawiche, Head of Office, Sector Central, said that he found the scenario-based approach to be very effective and allowed interaction and participation among participants.
Lt. Commander Phithoon Thongprayat, Military JOC Team Leader -- who described the training as “fruitful” -- said his favourite part was the scenarios, which enabled participants from different backgrounds to share ideas. The training “broadened my knowledge a lot”, said the Lt. Commander.
At the sector-level, the training is aimed at Mission personnel who have a key role in implementation of the Protection of Civilians mandate, with a particular focus on first responders. Future training is planned for Mission personnel based at Team Sites.
Read the Protection of Civilians strategy here.