ONUC was established by Security Council
resolution 143 (1960) of 14 July 1960, by which it decided "to
authorize the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps, in consultation
with the Government of the Republic of the Congo, to provide the Government
with such military assistance as might be necessary until, through that
Government's efforts with United Nations technical assistance, the national
security forces might be able, in the opinion of the Government, to
meet fully their tasks".
The initial mandate of ONUC was to ensure the withdrawal of Belgian forces from the Republic of the Congo, to assist the Government in maintaining law and order and to provide technical assistance. The function of ONUC was subsequently modified to include maintaining the territorial integrity and political independence of the Congo, preventing the occurrence of civil war and securing the removal from the Congo of all foreign military, paramilitary and advisory personnel not under the United Nations Command, and all mercenaries.
In implementing its mandate, UNUC was authorized to use force, if
necessary. By resolution
161 (1961) of 21 February 1961, the Council urged that
the United Nations "take immediately all appropriate measures to prevent
the occurrence of civil war in the Congo, including arrangements for
ceasefire, the halting of all military operations, the prevention
of clashes, and the use of force, if necessary, in the last resort".
By resolution
169 (1961) of 24 November 1961, the Council authorized
the Secretary-General "to take vigorous action, including the use
of the requisite measure of force, if necessary, for the immediate
apprehension, detention pending legal action and/or deportation of
all foreign military and paramilitary personnel and political advisers
not under United Nations Command, and mercenaries", as laid down in
Council’s resolution
161 (1961).

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(c)United Nations