UN signs agreement with Indonesia on border issues between East and West Timor

11 April  --The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) today signed an agreement with the Government of Indonesia that will improve coordination in the border area between East and West Timor.

The Force Commander of UN forces in East Timor, Lt. General Jaime de los Santos and the Commander of the Indonesian army in West Timor, Major General Kiki Syahnakri, signed a Memorandum of Understanding covering security, boundary crossing, the passage of refugees and the provision of humanitarian assistance along the border between the two countries.

After the signing ceremony in Dili, General de los Santos said the agreement would result in a far stronger understanding between the Indonesian Army and UN peacekeepers, and an improved ability to work together in the border areas. "That this very senior group of Indonesian officers has travelled to Dili for today's signing is clear evidence of their commitment in assisting us to maintain a stable and secure border region," he said.

Major General Syahnakri said that he hoped the agreement would "improve the cooperation between [the Indonesian Army] and UNTAET peacekeeping and the speed-up of the repatriation of the Timorese."

According to the agreement, UN military observers will be stationed at 12 agreed junction points and will coordinate meetings between the Indonesian Army and the UN peacekeepers when they are required.

The agreement, which confirms a previous memorandum signed on 12 January between the UN mission, the International Forces in East Timor (INTERFET) and the Indonesian Army, also includes new provisions that neither side will be allowed to carry weapons across the border and that both parties agree to cooperate in reporting and investigating boundary incidents.

The document defines a boundary only for the purpose of military tactical coordination, with no implication that the line is the internationally recognized border between East and West Timor, UNTAET said.

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